Tenant Resources

  • 2025 Open Studio Events at Holland Arts East and West

    • Spring Open Studios- Saturday, March 22nd from 10am to 3pm

    • Art-A-Whirl- Friday May 16th 5pm to 10pm, Saturday May 17th 12pm-8pm, and Sunday May 18th 12pm-5pm

    • Summer Open Studios- August 16th 10am-4pm

    • Fall Open Studios- Saturday, October 18th from 10am-3pm

    • Winter Open Studios- Saturday, December 6th from 10am-3pm

    You can find sharable social media graphics for upcoming Holland Arts Events here: Google Drive

  • The East Gallery rotates shows each month and features artists within and outside of the Holland Arts community. If you would like to submit a body of work for consideration, please email gallery@hollandartsnempls.com.

  • Please submit any maintenance needs, bathroom issues, or other Holland Arts building concerns to the facilities team by emailing facilities@hollandartsnempls.com

  • An active NEMAA Membership is a requirement for all Holland Arts tenants. Please visit https://nemaa.org/shop/membership/ to sign up and create your profile.

    • Please make sure your location is set to Holland Arts East or West on your profile to ensure you appear correctly in the directory.

  • All tenants of Holland Arts agree to carry business liability insurance, including bodily injury and property damage coverage, covering all Tenant's business operations in the amount of one-million-dollars ($1,000,000). Holland Arts shall be named as an additionally insured party. Please explore the following resources if you need help getting coverage:

  • Please join the Holland Arts Building Artist Forum on Facebook to connect with your fellow tenants. This group is for current Holland Arts East and West Building artists to connect and foster a creative community.

    Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hollandartsartistforum

  • To welcome you to the Holland Arts community, we include a listing for your studio on our Directory webpage for easy navigation for visitors as well as an image tile on the Our Artists page to represent your work. In order to add you to these pages, please provide the following:

    • 1:1 ratio photo from you for this page: https://www.hollandartsnempls.com/our-artists

      • Please provide a photo of your work or one of you working (we're trying to avoid logos on this page)

    • Your preferred display name(s)

    • Your preferred link for your work (you can give me multiple links and I can include more in the directory, but just let me know what one is the primary)

    • And your medium/product type (you can find examples here:https://www.hollandartsnempls.com/directory )

    If you would like to see any changes to your existing information, please email kelly@hollandartsnempls.com

  • Holland Arts welcomes guest artists for Art-A-Whirl and Open Studio events. If tenants wish to host a guest artist in their studio, they must first submit the guest’s information to management for approval. All guests must have an active NEMAA profile when participating in Holland Arts Open Studio events and/or Art-A-Whirl.